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Food addiction and eating disorders are extremely serious problems with severe health consequences and even though many people with an eating disorder may have relatively manageable lives or may not be in physical danger, food addiction is still a disease that is progressive and potentially fatal.

Eating disorders, ranging from compulsive overeating to problems like anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are conditions that will worsen over time to a point where those with a food addiction will need help as their lives and bodies begin to fall apart.

Common eating disorders

Many people who suffer from a food addiction have unhealthy eating behaviours, like compulsive overeating disorder. Compulsive overeating is an inability to control consumption of food despite the consequences.

Compulsive overeaters are generally morbidly obese and have major health problems due to the excess weight. Secretive behaviour around food and eating, such as stealing food, lying about eating habits and severe weight gain, are key symptoms.

Bulimia Nervosa is a disorder in which the sufferer will binge on food, and follow this binge with some kind of compensatory behaviour to avoid weight gain. This behaviour usually takes the form induced vomiting, use of laxatives, excessive exercise and fasting.

While most addictive behaviours involve habitual overindulgence in a particular activity, anorexia nervosa manifests itself in obsessive avoidance of food. Anorexics have an obsession with avoiding weight gain, owing to an unhealthy self-image.

Pretending to eat and hiding food, excessive exercising in secret, lying about weight loss and eating habits, wearing baggy clothing to disguise a thin body, distorted body image and excessive obsession with food and calories are all habitual tendencies of an anorexic.

Treatment for food addiction

Food addiction and eating disorders like anorexia, overeating disorder or bulimia, need to be treated by professionals.

People suffering from food disorders need the benefit of one-on-one counselling and group therapy. A qualified therapist can help a patient to work through obsessions and compulsions and to directly address the psychological problems underlying these behaviours.

Counselling is designed to deal with self-esteem issues, low self-confidence, body image issues, depression, and any other events in the patient’s past that may have contributed to compulsive behaviours.

As with other addictions, a 12 step recovery programme may be incorporated into the treatment regimen. This can be especially helpful with the self-esteem issues that are at the core of many eating disorders.

A holistic treatment regime for food addiction that includes exercise and other steps contributing to a generally balanced lifestyle can help patients to work through the treatment process. Holistic activities, such as yoga or meditation, have been found helpful in attaining balance and getting the most out of treatment.

Through treatment in a nurturing environment, it is possible for people suffering from a food addiction or eating disorder to become empowered to make healthy lifestyle choices in being able to manage their addiction and to live a healthy and productive life.

Oasis Counselling Centre offers professional treatment for food addiction in Plettenberg Bay. Oasis incorporates a 12 step recovery programme alongside professional addiction counselling.

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Depression, unlike what most people think, is beyond having a bad mood, being unhappy, or having episodes of stress and grief. However, because of how “common” the symptoms of depression are, such as changes in sleeping and/or eating habits, weight loss or gain, and lack of enthusiasm and motivation, people often see it as just a normal phase in one’s life which will eventually go away if ignored. Needless to say, depression is more than that. It is a chronic mental illness which, if left untreated, may cause you and your family serious problems. At its worst, it may lead the depressed individual to consider, attempt or eventually commit suicide. That is why, even at the early stages of depression, it would be best to seek professional help from a Depression Treatment Center right away. A facility that would be able to provide the most advanced mental health treatment for psychological problems, as well as present an environment that will enable the patient to heal and recover sooner; a facility more like the Psychological Care & Healing Treatment Center.


For people these days, the easiest and most convenient way to treat depression is by taking in anti-depressants. But, convenience does not necessarily equate to efficacy; which means a legitimate Depression Treatment Clinic should intervene. The Psychological Care & Healing Treatment Center may be a far better and more effective option, given that it holds extensive experience in treating mild to severe depression. The treatment facility though, believes that people having a condition such as depression do not call for Depression Residential Treatments; rather, they simply need a more structured routine than what outpatient therapy provides. Equipped with highly sophisticated and adept diagnosticians, they design a treatment program to specifically address the client’s needs and demands, and develop a routine that will utilize as little psychiatric medications as possible. The central part of the program is daily intensive psychotherapy at least 4 –5 times a week, individual therapy and various activities such as Dialectic Behavioral Therapy, Anger Management, Yoga, Art Therapy, Music Therapy, Acupuncture, and Physical Fitness programs.


One of the most common treatments rendered to care for depression is the facility’s Intensive Treatment Program; a program for those who prefer or require immersive psychological treatment in a supportive and caring environment. Alongside depression, the intensive treatment program is also appropriate for clients with bipolar disorder, personality issues, anxiety disorders, psychological trauma, self-injury and other psychological problem that is negatively affecting their lives. In this program, clients are immersed in a treatment environment, starting with an individualized plan, which includes up to five individual psychotherapy sessions and group psychotherapy meetings. This program could last for a minimum of four weeks, for up to two –three months.


The Psychological Care & Healing Depression Treatment Center believes that the way to treat depression is not through drug dependence or withdrawal from friends and family members. Rather, it requires a certain amount of care and a specific level of expertise to truly get your loved one back on track.

Enroll your loved one to the best Depression Treatment Center. Visit and have an appointment now.

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Being a human being, it’s natural to enjoy eating multiple food items of interest. This is not a problem eating and drinking different bounties of God. The problem starts developing when someone is not taking care of the quantity consuming in terms of food items. Every food item is different in terms of calories and fats containing inside. For example, you cannot eat sweets in a way, you eat rice and bread. Similarly you cannot drink coffee as you drink water. Each natural product has its unique way to react to the metabolism process in a human body.

That is why people are looking for diet plans. What diet plans are the best and for whom is a big question. This question has not solution unless you find best diet plan quotes in the form of diet solution program reviews. The program reviews are enabling millions around the world to make sure that their health is no more under dangerous conditions of obesity and accumulated fat that is a problem for long run health life. Making health as a prime objective to sustain is one of the noble causes and novel idea to maintain. But how?

The answer again to this ‘how’ is again the best diet plan quotes. Again there is a question on how to get the best diet quote for free? The answer to this question is ideal diet solution program reviews that are described by professional people to make sure that all looking for best diet plans for them are getting the best plan for diet.

The most of population looking for different plans of diet are wondering and trying one and other set of diet food items and are reporting no success. But this is not the case for those who are following best diet solution program reviews because these reviews are authentic and are providing answers on plans for diet to millions of people with different needs to strive for weight loss and fat burning.

The makings of diet plans is not a one day task as it takes years to first device a diet plan and then get results of its usage on human beings.

Real reviews provide enough grounds to consider the diet plan as effective or to consider it as a baseless and fruitless plan for diet. This all depends on odds of success of that particular diet plan.

Many people are already on success part of the story. Many have already won in losing their weights and burning their extra fats. How this happens? This shows commitment and affiliation to a plan for diet. This also involves commitment at the end of a human being using specific diet plan.

The most successful are those who have selected their diet plans after getting inspired by diet solution program reviews because they have found that these reviews are based on some concrete findings and efforts that resulted into different successful plans for diet. Again, not every diet plan is 100 percent perfect and also not all human beings can use single effective diet plan. Everyone has to do a little research to find a best diet plan for them.


Diet Solution Program Review is a link to find most important information on diet solution programs and weight loss. Don’t miss to visit

Being a human being, it’s natural to enjoy eating multiple food items of interest. This is not a problem eating and drinking different bounties of God. The problem starts developing when someone is not taking care of the quantity consuming in terms of food items. Every food item is different in terms of calories and fats containing inside. For example, you cannot eat sweets in a way, you eat rice and bread. Similarly you cannot drink coffee as you drink water. Each natural product has its unique way to react to the metabolism process in a human body.

That is why people are looking for diet plans. What diet plans are the best and for whom is a big question. This question has not solution unless you find best diet plan quotes in the form of diet solution program reviews. The program reviews are enabling millions around the world to make sure that their health is no more under dangerous conditions of obesity and accumulated fat that is a problem for long run health life. Making health as a prime objective to sustain is one of the noble causes and novel idea to maintain. But how?

The answer again to this ‘how’ is again the best diet plan quotes. Again there is a question on how to get the best diet quote for free? The answer to this question is ideal diet solution program reviews that are described by professional people to make sure that all looking for best diet plans for them are getting the best plan for diet.

The most of population looking for different plans of diet are wondering and trying one and other set of diet food items and are reporting no success. But this is not the case for those who are following best diet solution program reviews because these reviews are authentic and are providing answers on plans for diet to millions of people with different needs to strive for weight loss and fat burning.

The makings of diet plans is not a one day task as it takes years to first device a diet plan and then get results of its usage on human beings.

Real reviews provide enough grounds to consider the diet plan as effective or to consider it as a baseless and fruitless plan for diet. This all depends on odds of success of that particular diet plan.

Many people are already on success part of the story. Many have already won in losing their weights and burning their extra fats. How this happens? This shows commitment and affiliation to a plan for diet. This also involves commitment at the end of a human being using specific diet plan.

The most successful are those who have selected their diet plans after getting inspired by diet solution program reviews because they have found that these reviews are based on some concrete findings and efforts that resulted into different successful plans for diet. Again, not every diet plan is 100 percent perfect and also not all human beings can use single effective diet plan. Everyone has to do a little research to find a best diet plan for them.


Diet Solution Program Review is a link to find most important information on diet solution programs and weight loss. Don’t miss to visit

Affordable drug rehab no longer need be an oxymoron.

With the increasing number of Addiction Treatment in Florida, there has been a proportional increase in the demand for your limited healthcare dollars. This competition has bred vastly improved cost-efficiency.

Some suggest, too, that the growing pressure from the health insurance industry to keep costs down has helped in making affordable drug rehab a possibility, even for those without healthcare coverage.

Whatever the causes, there’s now no reason not to seek assistance for substance abuse.

Affordable Addiction Treatment in Florida is available for those in need.


Addiction, whether to drugs or alcohol, left unchecked, is a terminal illness; there is no cure in the traditional sense. It’s a disease with many physical and mental manifestations, and life-threatening at any stage.

Intractable substance abuse can cause numerous chronic bodily dysfunctions (diabetes, weight gain or weight loss, gastrointestinal distress, improper liver function, pancreatitis, neurological problems, fatigue, etc.).

Alcohol and drug abuse aggravate existing mental illnesses such as depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and symptoms of PTSD.

Active addiction, no matter the substance(s) involved, also seems to cause new mental difficulties: paranoia, mania, anxiety, depression, confusion, somnolence, insomnia, sexual dysfunction, among others.

Addiction is characterized by increasing tolerance. Once the alcoholic or addict, often sooner rather than later, becomes accustomed to the presence of a chemical in the body, he or she begins to require more and more of that chemical in order to achieve the same effect. That is, the body and mind become chemically dependent upon the substance(s) abused, in ever increasing amounts, just to feel “normal.” Tolerance is a common, frightening factor is overdoses.

Progression is also a symptom in the disease of addiction. Even if an addict or alcoholic somehow manages a period of abstinence, a return to their drug of choice — a “relapse”
– puts them exactly where they were previously, physically and mentally.


It’s unfortunate, unfair, even sad, but costs are normally an issue when seeking treatment for chemical dependency. But the days of costs being an impossible hurdle seem to be over.

The best payment option is, of course, the use of health insurance benefits for substance abuse treatment. Health insurance though is not presently enjoyed by, or even available to, all.

Self-pay may be a possibility for a fortunate few to consider. While even affordable drug rehab programs are not cheap, they are usually a lot less expensive than active addiction. It’s possible to negotiate with the treatment center for a reduction in costs.

Financing, at reasonable rates, is usually available through lenders specializing in healthcare.

Scholarships, offered by the treatment facility and some social services organizations, are sometimes available.

Additionally, there are not-for-profit and public possibilities for no-cost or low-cost, affordable drug rehab programs. Check with local mental health departments or use your favorite Internet search engine.

More information about Drug florida rehab or Alcohol rehab florida please visit our website Please learn more now, before it’s too late.

About the Author:

This article is written by Peter Rhett .

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