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Travel to Canada With a Prior DUI Conviction?

Question by Eric: Travel to Canada with a prior DUI conviction?
13 years ago, while living in the United Kingdom, I got a DUI. Dumbest, most bone-headed thing I’ve ever done but it is what it is. I have had a clean driving record since. Anyway, I am a Dutch citizen and have a Dutch passport. I also moved to the United States 10 years ago (I’m a permanent resident).

I’m looking at traveling to Canada and am wondering if I need to apply for “Rehabilitation”; or if I would get turned back by Canadian Immigration, or if indeed it would even show up?

Best answer:

Answer by Leafer
Since 13 years have passed it’s likely this would be considered a case of “Deemed rehabilitation”(if indeed it did show up)…you don’t have to apply for this per se…you can just appear at the border and (if asked ) show the documents(if you still have them -relevant to the conviction)…or you can (free of charge) fill out a rehabilitation form(the same form that you would have used to apply for “Rehabilitation” you spoke of-which costs a bunch of money and can take a year to process)-only when you fill it out you check a different box .Info below:

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