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Posts Tagged ‘west virginia’

Budget Cuts Threaten Hundreds of Jobs
Michael Woods. But Woods of Western Carolina Rescue Ministries told News 13's Mario Boone cutting the treatment center has consequences beyond saving tax dollars. … Thus, forcing them into a cycle of addiction and crime, according to Woods. Yet, some …
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Raleigh officials consider creating juvenile drug court
BECKLEY — With drug addiction starting at a younger and younger age, officials from the West Virginia Division of Probation Services are encouraging Raleigh County leaders to establish a Juvenile Drug Court to help deter the number of youth addicts …
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American Addiction Centers Deploys Xirrus Wi-Fi Network
THOUSAND OAKS, CA — (Marketwired) — 05/21/13 — Xirrus®, the leader in high-performance wireless networks, today announced that American Addiction Centers (AAC) has equipped its Desert Hope treatment center in Las Vegas with Wi-Fi Arrays from Xirrus …
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Courtney Stodden At Disneyland: Reality Star Puts Cleavage On Display (PHOTO)
It was shot two years prior, and though Farrell tried his best to keep in under wraps (including a restraining order blocking the release of the video), some of it leaked online. The website that showed the …. Elin Nordegren left him. He took a …
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Ryan Leaf Booted From Substance Abuse Treatment Center, Back in Prison
The Ryan Leaf saga continues, officials with the Montana State Prison confirm that Leaf has been transferred from Nexus, the substance abuse treatment center in Lewistown and is back under the custody of the Montana State Prison in Deer Lodge.
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W.Va.'s Rate of Death by Drug Overdose Highest in the Nation found that according to a study conducted by the West Virginia Prescription Drug Abuse Quitline, Marshall, Brooke and Wetzel counties are without treatment facilities. Out of 22 treatment facilities surveyed, 59% say they have a wait list for …
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Prisoners face long wait for drug-rehab services
A troubling byproduct of that crowding, investigators found, was a crushing need for more access to critical rehabilitation programs, some of which serve as pathways to early release. Waiting lists were so long for the bureau's Residential Drug Abuse …
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Sacramento County official rips rehab program for released state prisoners
Since it started receiving lower level offenders from state prisons in October 2011, Sacramento County has been criticized for not spending enough money on rehabilitation, thus perpetuating the cycle of crime. Now the county faces questions about where …
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Study Finds Drug Rehab Could Reduce WV Prison Overcrowding
A new study suggests that West Virginia can reduce prison overcrowding by providing substance abuse treatment to offenders that are on probation or parole. But as the "war on drugs" rages on, not everyone thinks that program would work the way it's …
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Hartford DrugTreatment Program Surrenders License –
Youth Challenge also operates a residential substance-abuse program for men on May Street in Asylum Hill, and a bible training center in the Moosup section of Plainfield. The organization's licenses to provide substance-abuse treatment at the May …
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Inmate crowding study homes in on drug abuse
(AP) — West Virginia can likely reduce prison crowding by assessing more quickly the risks posed by offenders and providing substance abuse treatment to those on probation, parole and other community-level supervision, researchers told state officials …
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St. Matthew's House to launch substance abuse treatment program for women
Photo by Allie Garza. Religion is the foundation of the program at Justin's Place. Allie Garza/Staff. A new treatment program funded by an anonymous donation will allow more than a dozen women to receive help for substance abuse problems come January.
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Oxycontin abuse is close to the top of the list of the drugs mentioned at alcohol and drug abuse centers when it comes to prescription drugs as stated by the United States Drug Enforcement Agency. Today, more and more individuals are turning to their medicine cabinets or to a friend’s to enjoy the high found with prescription drugs such as opiate painkillers with Oxycontin at the top of the list. In 2007, more than seven million individuals in America abused prescription drugs. The worst part of all is that close to six percent of all high school seniors had abused oxycontin one time during the year.

Oxycontin is often prescribed for seniors suffering with chronic pain like arthritis. The tablets once in the hands of abusers often crush the tablets to they can snort the drug or mix it with water to inject into their veins. The effects of this drug are the reason that oxycontin abuse is so high on the list for treatment centers. A rush is quite immediately with a feeling of well following shortly. The body begins to build up a tolerance to the drug, which leads to dependency brought on from oxycontin abuse. In some cases, individuals are so addicted to this drug that they will visit more than physician in order to obtain enough prescriptions to fill their addiction. Others buy oxycontin on the street whereas others steal from the pharmacies.

The first issues of oxycontin abuse in the United States was noting in farming areas such as Kentucky, Maine, Virginia, Ohio, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania. The drug was given to workers that needed pain relief from such jobs as farming, logging, and mining. Rural areas of American have a larger oxycontin abuse problem that inner city treatment centers.

Oxycontin abuse begins when a person begins to use more than prescribed in order to receive that same high that was felt in the beginning. The more a person abuses oxycontin the more susceptible they will become to addiction. Once a person has abused the drug so long, the craving for the drug becomes intolerable and if they stop taking the drug, will have withdrawal symptoms. At this time, oxycontin abuse has grown into a full-fledged opiate addiction, which will need medical help in order to quit.

If you believe a friend or family may have an oxycontin abuse problem the signs you should watch for include muscle pain, bone pain, muscle twitching, insomnia, sweating, diarrhea, stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting, slow breathing, pupils the size of pinpoints, unwarranted drowsiness, and confusion.

The scary part of oxycontin abuse is that in most cases, the person just looks like they tied one on and needs to sleep it off. This may be true with alcohol, however with oxycontin this can result in death. Oxycontin slows the breathing so low that a person can die and with high doses, breathing can stop altogether. If you or someone you know has an oxycontin abuse problem, you should seek medical help as soon as possible.

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