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Posts Tagged ‘drug addicts’

Question by Shen: What is relapse? When can it occur, and how long after “recovery”?
I am just wondering… sometimes when life gets stressful and overwhelming, I am tempted to retreat to some of my past addictions (alcohol, anorexia, cutting) and occasionally do so. I make the excuse that it’s okay because I am having a relapse and therefore can’t help it. But deep inside I know that I could use self-discipline and healthy coping methods to resist it if I tried.. so is this really a “relapse” or am I just missing that part of my life that is gone? How long after recovery before these urges and slip-ups stop? For me, I consider that I’ve been recovered for about 3 years. Insight or advice?
Gabby’s Mom – Your baby is adorable, btw. 🙂

Best answer:

Answer by king of the ozone
a relapse is going back to ur old ways after cleaning urself up. usually with alcoholics and drug addicts. theyll be sober for some time and start drinking or using again(relapse)

i have a friend that suffers from the same kind of stuff you do. honesly, just find some good friends who understand you. thats what i am to him and he got better cuz of me.

we all have some type of mental illnes, some ppl just show them more than others.
and just try to stay away from the hardcore drugs, like heroin cocaine and meth. a little alcohol dosnt hurt every now and then but dont abuse yourself with it.

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Question by 🙂: What percentage of the United States are drug addicts?
I dont want a number, i want a percentage and according to who is that percentage obtained? I need this for an essay and i have looked it up on google but they keep giving me number not a percentage. Thanks

Best answer:

Answer by Spykerz
What percentage voted for Obama?

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What is Video Game Addiction?
Video game addicts are living with a psychological addiction to playing. This form of addiction is not currently included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) due to a lack of research and evidence indicating that it is a disorder. If it is officially recognized as a psychological disorder, it will likely be placed in the same category as gambling addiction – a disorder involving a lack of impulse control.

When they play, their brains produce endorphins, giving them a high similar to that experienced by gamblers or drug addicts. Gamers responses to questions even mirror those of alcoholics and gamblers when asked about use

Causes of Addiction
The video game addict may start off playing for fun, but get “hooked” on the fact that video games are designed to give players a series of rewards for reaching certain levels while playing. The person keeps playing in order to keep getting this payoff. The video games also allow players to develop relationships with other players, and the video game addict may find these virtual relationships more rewarding than those that take place outside of the game.

Signs that a person has become a video game addict include:

1. Do you neglect relationships with your friends and family to spend more time playing video games?
2. Do you struggle to keep up with your schoolwork and/or professional responsibilities?
3. Have you ever taken a “sick day” to play your favorite game?
4. Do you lie to others about your video game use? Have you ever been criticized by someone close to you for spending too much time playing video games?
5. When you’re not playing video games, do you feel angry or depressed? Do you spend your time wishing you could be playing your favorite game?
6. Do you get so engrossed in video games that you neglect to eat, sleep or shower?
7. Do you suffer from backaches, dry eyes or headaches after playing video games? Have you been diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome?

Treatment for Video Game Addiction
1. A therapist or treatment program that specializes in adolescents would be a first place to start. For example, a summer camp or wilderness program will get your child out of his normal environment and into a situation where he is forced to experience reality.

2. Sending a socially challenged child to a rough-and-tumble military or boot camp with highly competitive activities could do more harm than good.

3. Sharing experiences and interacting with other video game addicts could also be an essential part of the recovery process.

4. Video Game Detox, treatment for video game addiction is similar to detox for other addictions, with one important difference. Computers have become an important part of everyday life, as well as many jobs, so compulsive gamers cant just look the other way when they see a PC.

5. With appropriate help and support, a video game addict can learn to stop playing games.

However, therapy involving a young child will usually focus on the parents developing strategies and setting appropriate limits for their child.

Read more Rehabilitation Information

Vicodin Addiction and Vicodin Abuse Vicodin Addiction & Vicodin Abuse – Take the first step of getting your life back – call our 24 HR substance abuse recovery hotline: 800-839-1682. Our trained…

The most known and famous addiction treatment for alcohol rehab centers offers inpatient substance abuse processes to the patients. Such type of treatment helps patients to get strong and efficient to fight the compulsions inpatient treatment for alcohol. Nowadays days, the habits such as alcohol, drug, cocaine, heroin, etc are rapidly growing in adolescent and in young adults across the country. Hence, parents and friends concerned about the patients contact immediately the rehab centers for various treatments such as alcohol rehab center, drug rehab, heroin addiction treatment centers, etc.

Thus, alcohol treatment provided to various patients by the rehab has found inpatient treatment for substance abuse as the most effective solutions. The organizations involved in non-profitable medical care are ones helping the rehab centers to provide various types of efficient treatments to cure all types of obsessions through inpatient procedures and methods. Earlier, drug cases used to be found in abundance and residential drug rehab centers provided great treatment by following the procedure for residential drug treatment programs. Moreover, substance abuse treatments are considered as the effective inpatient treatment for substance abuse by the residential drug treatment centers.

Patients always avoid and get disturb by the frequent visit to the rehab centers when following the inpatient programs. The consultations make sure that the disturbance and disorders should not raise the depression in the mind of patients. Thus, inpatient substance abuse programs help the drug addicts to cure themselves by motivating themselves to eliminate the habits from mind itself. With the help of such treatments patients get to an edge where mental condition can be control when the addiction urges at peak.

In such conditions, evidence based medicine do force the urge for addiction for sometime but never substance abuse help to cure the patients even when the group is addicted to drug and other need. In the addiction of drug treatment inpatient, patients have found unbelievable options and quick recoveries through the halfway houses. Today, rehab centers are providing round-the-clock helpline to help addicted patients to avoid the habituated urge.

The inpatient drug rehab centers plans and associates evidence based treatment through best mental therapies. Patients can call the centers to get initial free telephonic conversation where the nature of addiction gets determined. All details concerning to the rise of such bad habits are taken and patient’s mental health is checked. Therefore, always opt for the rehab center for alcohol dependence and drug addiction to expect quick recoveries.

To learn more about Drug Treatment Inpatient, feel free to visit: Substance Abuse Treatment.

Drug addicts 'can quit smoking' with additional therapy
"Substance abuse treatment programs have historically been hesitant to incorporate concurrent smoking cessation therapies with standard drug addiction treatment because of the concern that patients would drop out of treatment entirely. However …
Read more on Medical News Today

Military Veterans Prone to Addiction – Suncoast Rehab Center Continues
Suncoast's medical team designs treatment programs to physically address the malnutrition created by drug abuse, and the SRC counseling team tailors patient therapy to discovering what caused the drug use in the first place—all intended to help those …
Read more on PR Newswire (press release)

War on drugs shifts: Health care law expands coverage for substance abuse
Nationally, one in 10 people addicted to drugs or alcohol, or 20.7 million people, do not receive treatment, according to a report from the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse. America's current health care system does "little to …
Read more on Chattanooga Times Free Press

One of the most effective methods of alcohol addiction treatment is the alcohol rehab program. This is mainly intended for those who have addiction ranging from moderate to severe type. There are several aspects when it comes to drug rehab or alcohol rehab treatment program. The main steps involved in such a program include intervention, detoxification and after care. Each of these aspects must be given attention because of their importance in the overall recovery of the addict.

When it comes to alcohol rehabilitation, intervention is a vital part that can help patients to come out of their denial mode. The staffs at a alcohol rehab center will encourage patients to get out of their denial. In this regard, the help of friends and family of the patient may also be sought to some extent.

The counsellors can educate the patients regarding the after effects of being addicted. They can be made to understand how such an addiction can wreak havoc on their personal life including social, family and professional life. The benefits on overcoming addiction can also be taught to patients. They can overcome emotional problems through the counselling sessions. In this stage, the patient is mainly convinced to get ready for treatment so that they can start on their path to recovery.

The next stage of treatment in the drug rehab center is the stage of detoxification. This stage begins after complete analysis if the patients history and ascertaining the fact that he/she is ready for treatment. In this stage, efforts are undertaken to eliminate all traces of alcohol content from the body. This can remove health complications and speed up the recovery process. The urge for the substance becomes lesser when it is completely removed from the body. The detox process can take up to four days to be completed depending on the extent of addiction for the substance. Medications that are provided during the alcohol rehab treatment help the patient to be free of the withdrawal symptoms and to minimize the urge for the substance.

Next is the after care stage of treatment. In this stage the specialist and counsellors seek to bring the person out of the craving completely. This can take place through counselling and education. Meditation and other relaxation techniques are taught to patients that can help them remain free of cravings for the substance. The family of the patient is also advised to keep a tab on the patient after he/she gets back home. Special counselling programs are conducted for families of the drug addicts. They are mainly taught to read the signals and signs of relapse and the ways to overcome the problem if such a thing occurs.

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