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How Many “alcoholics” Out There Have Tried Rational Recovery Instead of AA?

Question by Lady Morgana: How many “alcoholics” out there have tried Rational Recovery instead of AA?
What is your opinion about it?
Information about it: Rational Recovery isn’t really new, but it is newer than Aa. You can google the name and it goes straight to their web site, whihc has a lot of great information abou tit. I read the book. It is GREAT for me, as an AA member who got fed up with all the religion in it.

Rational Recovery is almost the opposite of AA, and the book is q
sorry about the blip…

Rational Recpvery is fairly critical of AA. The book is a must read if you want to be cured, yes cured, of your addition, and not be called an alcoholic anymore. You will never drink or use again, and the responsibility lies with you, not some Higher Power. You recognize your addicive voice, and you take charge of it.

I really lie this program and recommend it to all. I ave been in AA for 3 years, have been sober for those 3 years, and now I intend on never drinking again in my life, looking at my whole life without fear. I am eager to find out the opinions of others.
sorry about the typos, I type too fast sometimes

Best answer:

Answer by Star Struck
you know…

I have been through the whole AA bit back when I was in college, and I just don’t know about it…. it really kind of forces you to see it their way, or the high way….


I would like to give that rational recovery a go and read up more on it. Sounds like it has a good basis to it..

of course, whatever works for someone is the one they should use. Whatever works is good….

but AA didn’t really do it for me.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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