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Has Anyone Ever Undergone “Rapid Detox”?

Question by ShrimpStew: Has Anyone Ever Undergone “Rapid Detox”?
If so, can you please share your experience? My husband is considering this for his suboxone addiction. He tried to overcome the addiction himself and became sooo suicidal. His guts were gurgling and his anxiety was unbearable…He is terrified of the withdrawal and wants to make sure he doesn’t waste his time and money if he’s still going to suffer after the Rapid Detox treatment.
Thanks Mike. He is in agony and I don’t know how to help him. 🙁

Best answer:

Answer by Mike
. I was addicted to Morphine and Oxycodone and I was unable to go through the rapid process. I chose the alternative and that was the slower detox and group therapy method. I also chose this method because I have an addictive personality.
Your answer is very subjective, because it boils down to whether or not your husband can handle going through the process cold turkey? They give you a small amount of Naloxone for the first day and then its basically cold turkey. The main difference is that he will be monitored by proper medical staff during the process. After that first day, you are not even allowed Tylenol for the pain you are feeling from the withdrawal process.
So…I would recommend that you and your husband sit down and talk about the slower alternative. Plus, the suffering will be reduced as you gradually withdrawal
from the drug in question.

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